Huntington Beach Ford
Jun 22, 2019

Anyone who has ever driven a large vehicle like a Ford Explorer around Costa Mesa has likely noticed something pretty quickly. Gas is expensive. It is no secret that gas prices have gone through the roof in recent years, and this is in part the reason that many have chosen to switch from their big SUV to a little Ford Fiesta for their Costa Mesa transportation. But no matter the type or size of the car driven, everyone could be helped by a few easy tips to save gas.

Less Warm Up Time

There are few things worse than getting into a cold car. This is why many people choose to warm up their cars for up to thirty minutes before they even plan on driving. While this may provide a toasty ride to work, these people are likely to see a negative effect on their wallets. The less time spent warming a car in the morning, the less gas wasted.

Purchase Early or Late

 As funny as it may sound, the time of day that you purchase gas matters. This is especially essential in the warmer months. When temperatures are warmer, the gas density is lower, meaning people will get less solid gas when they pump.

Slow Down

 Driving fast can increase drag and this will force the car to increase fuel consumption. By driving the speed limit and driving smooth with the least amount of quick acceleration as possible, people will find that they will not need to fill up quite as often.

Monitor Braking

 Excessive braking tends to waste gas. Essentially, a person uses gas to accelerate, then wastes the gas by braking right after. It is recommended to keep a solid distance from the car in front in order to decrease the need to brake suddenly. This will allow for earlier braking and better utilization of the gas exerted.

Decrease Wind Resistance

 Excess wind resistance can cause a car to work twice as hard to move the same distance. While there are times when we cannot control the intensity of the wind, there are a few things to do in order to decrease wind resistance. This might include rolling up the windows. While most people enjoy the fresh air on a warm day, an open window can increase the car’s drag. In addition, it is wise to remove any bike, ski, or luggage racks from the roof of the car to make the vehicle more aerodynamic.

“Drive less” is the tip that everyone will give when asked how to save gas. However, this isn’t very convenient and it’s also not the only option. Take these easy steps and save on gas.