Huntington Beach Ford
May 2, 2019

Looking for that next truck or SUV, but don’t know where to start? Costa Mesa residents could consider investing in a Ford Explorer for their next purchase. You could have a family that needs the extra space to seat comfortably. While a Ford Fiesta in Costa Mesa might be great for the single person, an SUV works better if you have a growing family. Here are some advantages of owning an SUV.

More Versatility for the Road

Having a good vehicle that allows for more options certainly outweighs a fancy car any day of the week. For one, you’ll get more space for the ride. If you have a bigger family, the third-row seating option helps to fit your loved ones more comfortably. This is perfect for a family outing on the weekend or taking a road trip. Also, if you’re running errands and trying to get some tasks done for the day, it’s perfect to fit all your groceries, materials, and whatever else you need for your home. You want the option of folding your seats down just in case you could use the extra storage space. Additionally, you can power through any condition on the road.

Safety and Road Handling

One of the biggest concerns about purchasing a vehicle is safety. You want to ensure that you’re buying a vehicle that performs well on the road, helps you to prevent an accident, or in the event of an accident, has appropriate safety features to minimize injury. The great thing about an SUV is that it’s prepared to go through different terrain. If you encounter heavy rains or slick road conditions, you have the right truck to withstand the elements and keep traction on the road. Not to mention, you can invest in all terrain tires for better grip in case of emergency.

Also, this type of vehicle is perfect for any off-roading you plan to do on for weekend getaways. It’s a great way to further explore your horizons by getting closer to hiking and camping areas. Speaking of which, it’s much better for handling.

Good Maneuverability in the Vehicle

Being comfortable while you drive is very important. If you’re on a busy road, you may want the extra weight so that the ride feels more secure. Also, you want to feel like you have more space in your driver’s seat. This not only makes for a less tight ride, but you have better head room and leg room. You won’t feel scrunched in this type of vehicle which can provide for a more relaxing drive. Same can be said for passenger room; this makes an excellent choice for the longer road trips.

These are just a few benefits to having an SUV.